Employee Engagement Programs


Self-directed teams (SDT)- Today’s workforce wants to feel ownership in their work and wants to contribute to the organization in a meaningful way, self-directed teams could be the answer

There are plenty of advantages to having self-directed teams. A successful self-directed team is likely to boost a company’s efficiency and productivity. When the team members possess the right set of managerial and technical skills for the job, the team may achieve results that would not be seen under a command-and-control approach. Self-directed teams have the freedom and flexibility to devise innovative solutions to business problems and rapid responses to organizational challenges. Companies may even be able to trim their managerial ranks as the team shows growing levels of independence.

Self-directed team members who are empowered with full responsibility and accountability for their work tend to have high levels of commitment and motivation. They take more ownership of their work than employees who must follow orders from managers who sit above them in the chain of command. Self-directed team members are also likely to have a high level of job satisfaction, which can mean low absenteeism and turnover for the team.

Contact us to check whether this approach will work for your organization as SDT approach is not for everyone.



Emotional Intelligence –  Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue

In his book Working With Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman cites the Harvard Business School research that determined that EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be successful. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence:

  • Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions

  • Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others

In practical terms, this means being aware that emotions can drive our behaviour and impact people (positively and negatively), and learning how to manage those emotions – both our own and others – especially when we are under pressure.

Emotional Intelligence assessment tools  are proven its validity through many years of research  data Complete an EQi online self-assessment to learn about your personal leadership strength, styles and areas for development in the areas of

Image result for quadrants of emotional intelligence

Contact us for consultation and coaching with a certified EQi coach and trainer to understand your strengths and areas for development. We can help you succeed through leveraging your Emotional Intelligence.  



Effective Talent Management – Results In Improved Employee Engagement and boosts the sustainability of the organization

Succession management has long been associated with planning for executive-level roles, high-performing organizations are pushing formal talent and succession planning further into the business to touch all roles that are critical to day-to-day operations or that deliver a disproportionate level of value to the company.

The top two benefits of effective succession management in these high-performing organizations are an improvement in employee engagement and improvement in career development opportunities.

Improve employee organizational commitment through talent management.

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